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发布时间:2009年06月08日  作者:张玉光

张玉光  田晓阳

摘要 鸟类的跗跖骨以其独特的结构特征与其他四足动物跗骨、跖骨相区别。不同类型鸟类之间的生态习性和适应形式相互间存在明显的差异,而与之相对应的跗跖骨的形态结构也产生了多样性分异,形成了鸟类跗跖骨形态结构与对应功能行为的适应性选择。鸟类跗跖骨形态结构多样性的研究不仅为了解不同类型鸟类的生态习性提供证据,也使鸟类后肢骨骼的功能行为学得以逐步完善。特别是通过对现生鸟类跗跖骨形态结构多样性与对应功能的分析,可以此作为研究早期鸟类形态习性的参考依据,同时也可进一步探讨不同地质历史时期鸟类功能行为的演化规律。

关键词 鸟类 跗跖骨 形态结构 功能行为 多样性

Analyses of the Diversity of Shape Avian Tarsometararsus and Its Function
Zhang Yuguang   Tian Xiaoyang

Abstract The avian tarsometatarsus distinguished from the tarsus and metatarsus of other quadruped by its unique characteristic of structure. There were distinct differences between ecological habit and the pattern of adaptation of birds of the different species,moreover, the diversity of shape and structure of corresponding tarsometatarsus had differentiated,so the choice of adaptability of avian tarsometatarsus and its corresponding functional behavior had come into being. Research on the diversity of shape and structure of avian tarsometatarsus, no only did it present evidences to realize the ecological habit of birds of different species,but made the knowledge of functional behavior of avian hindlimbs perfect progressively also. In particular it can base on the analyses of the diversity of shape and structure of tarsometatarsus of living birds and its corresponding function,to study the shape and habit of birds in the early stages,at the same time can discuss the evolutive law of functional behavior of birds in the different periods of the geologic history further too.

Key words  Bird, Tarsometatarsus, Shape and structure, Functional behavior, Diversity