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发布时间:2009年06月30日  作者:徐景先

徐景先1* 张德山2 张小玲3

1北京自然博物馆,北京 100050,中国

2北京市专业气象台,北京 中国

3 中国气象局北京城市气象研究所,北京 中国

摘  要  通过20058月在奥林匹克公园内为期31天空气花粉的逐日采集分析,共观察到花粉15057粒,隶属6植物类型:大麻科葎草属(Humulus L.)(花粉10209粒,占总花粉数的67.80%),菊科蒿属(Artemisia L.)(花粉2021粒,13.42%),藜科(Chenopodiaceae)(花粉1608粒, 10.68%),禾本科(Gramineae)(花粉1025粒,6.81%),菊科豚草属

Ambrosia L.)(花粉191粒,1.27%)和松科松属(Pinus L.)(花粉3粒,0.02%)。


Daily variations of airborne pollen in the Beijing Olympic Park and their relationships with meteorological parameters

Abstract : An aeropalynological study is preformed in the Beijing Olympic Park from August 1 to 31, 2005. During this period, a total of 15057 pollen grains found were assigned to 6 taxa: Humulus L. (10209 grains, 67.80%), Artemisia L. (2021grians, 13.42%), Chenopodiaceae (1608 grians, 10.68%), Gramineae (1025 grains, 6.81%), Ambrosia L. (191 grains, 1.27%) and Pinus L. (3 grains, 0.02%).

The daily composition of pollen type varies little throughout the whole month of August of 2005. From 1st to 16th, the low values of airborne pollen were recorded due to high temperature, high relative humidity, long sunshine duration, high rainfall and the number of rainy days, highly and continuous rainfall depressed pollen grains dispersal. There was a significant increase in the number of pollen grains from 17th to 31st. This can be correlated with low temperature, low relative humidity and short sunshine duration.
