内蒙古查布地区下白垩统中保存大量的兽脚类和蜥脚类恐龙足迹以及鸟类足迹化石,2014年再次对内蒙古鄂托克旗野外地质遗迹博物馆(8A和8B化石点)周边的地层进行系统考察,发现两个恐爪龙类恐龙(Deinonychosauria)的二趾型兽脚类足迹,这在鄂托克地区是首次发现。经对比研究,将其归入奔驰龙足迹属(Dromaeosauripus)。与奔驰龙足迹一起发现的还有其他两种兽脚类足迹(Asianopodus robustus和Grallator),反映了恐爪龙类恐龙的生活习性。此类足迹的发现不仅填补了内蒙驰龙足迹(Dromaeopodidae)的空白,增加了世界二趾型足迹的记录,也为鄂托克地区古生态与地层对比提供了素材。
关键词:恐龙足迹; 二趾型足迹; 恐爪龙; 查布; 早白垩世
Thousands of footprint fossils have
been discovered in the Lower Cretaceous of Chabu area in Otog Qi, Ordos
city, Inner Mongolia, including theropod, sauropod and bird footprints
as well. In 2014, a detailed survey was carried out around the Otog
Field Museum of Geological Vestige (Tracksite: 8A and 8B) in Chabu area.
Two functionally didactyl tracks attributed to deinonychosaurian
theropods were firstly found. These two-toed tracks are assigned to Dromaeosauripus according a number of features. Two other theropod fossil footprints (Asianopodus robustus and Grallator)
were found together with the two-toed tracks, which reflected the
living habits of deinonychosaurs. The global record of didactyl theropod
tracks (Dromaeopodidae) was enlarged by this discovery. It also helps
to reveal the paleoecology of Chabu area and compare strata with other
area. Key words: dinosaur tracks,theropod, deinonychosauria, Chabu area,
Early Cretaceous
北京大学学报自然科学版 ›› 2017, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (1): 81-90.DOI: 10.13209/j.0479-8023.2016.099