A report of the trial excavation of the Liulinling Paleolithic site in the Bose Basin
GAO Lihong1,HOU Yamei2,3,HUANG Qiuyan4,LI Jinyan4,LU ZhengQin4,HUANG Dejiang4
1.Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing 100050;2. Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044;3.
CAS Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Beijing 100044;4. Museum of Tiandong County, Tiandong 531599
Abstract: This paper is a preliminary report of one test excavation and study of stone artifacts from work at the Liulinling Paleolithic site of Bose Basin in 2018. Liulinling Site (23°36′53′′N,107°01′5′′E) is located in the Baidu village, Tiandong county, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The excavation revealed an area of 28 m2 (excluding trenches), and 9 stratigraphic layers were identified. Totally 182 stone artifacts were obtained, of which 40 were unearthed from two culture layers. The stone artifacts include manuports, cores, stone hammers, flakes, tools and fragments. The flaking technique was direct hard hammer percussion. Tool types include hoppers,picks and scrapers. In the first cultural layer, a piece of tektite fragment was uncovered along with the stone artifacts. It still need more work to confirm that if it belongs to deposit in situ. The second cultural layer is below the first one, its age can be primarily estimated as 803 kaBP at latest. This suggests that the time when ancient human appeared in the Bose basin is as early as 803 kaBP and lived here for a longer time. The different depositional environments of the two cultural layers indicates the complexity and diversity of adaptation of ancient human here.
Geographic location of the Liulinling site
Sediment log and stratigraphy of the Liulinling site
Cores, stone hammers, flakes and scrapers
1、6、10、11、13、18. 刮削器Choppers; 2、3、5、7、9、14-17、19. 石片Flakes;12. 石锤Hammer;4、8. 石核Cores